Hey just wanted to let y’all know I haven’t updated in a minute because I’ve been so busy with work. With this whole coronavirus going on not many people have been working these few weeks because they split us up so Friday is my last day and I’ll be off for 2 weeks so I’ll definitely update then. Hope y’all staying safe & quarantining
@princessj__ wait she really prego and is her and tray still together cause people saying they not and some saying they is and some saying he got mad at airi cause she was flirting with yk osirs but ik tht part not true
Right like I’ve been in a bad mood lately bc of it like this shit is childish and Tray needs to stop being a female and man up and call her because IF she turn out to be pregnant he gon feel real stupid plus I’m tired of him saying that men should be able to do it females can like there’s a reason only women do it and that’s because we as women have a natural thing that we do called being a petty bitch when it comes to situations like this so if that’s how Tray want to be and he wants to voice his opinion like a female then I guess he is a petty bitch too period and I’m not saying Airi isn’t in the wrong but Tray is the one started this shit in the first place but anyways at his point this whole situation is above me case closed