


Wherein you are to send song lyrics to your family, friends or crush via the #ProjectSongLyrics book. This was created by Marrisa [Issa], who wanted to continue to spread positivity in a different form, besides the letters. Hence, #ProjectSongLyrics.


founder: @quirkeys [Issa]

@aqixcool [Lewis]
@ImagineSkyline [Aroshi]
@cchill [Kennedy]
@tsundokuly- [Esha]
@achangeofheart-- [Lizzie]
@-MusicONWorldOFF- [Aya]
@ButteredBums [Esha]
@Kenna_boo_15 [Kenna]





everyone gets follows for free!!
  • EntrouNovember 6, 2016

Última mensagem
projectsonglyrics projectsonglyrics Jan 22, 2018 11:38AM
TBH I don't know how active this account is anymore but if you want to sure your music or song lyrics with us we're sure to feature it in our book. I'm currently working on an arrangements for wild c...
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Project Song Lyrics, de projectsonglyrics
Project Song Lyrics
just fill out the form. use any song lyrics you want.
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