
i got two shots today :(


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
happy thanksgiving y’all :) i hope you all had a good day and id just like to go ahead and say what i’m thankful for :D
          i’m thankful for the basics, like my family and friends. i’m specifically thankful for my sister Emily and my friends J and B.
          i’m thankful for (and i know this sounds shallow) books, tv shows, movies, music, and fan fiction. i’m thankful for the makers of these especially. i may be in such a bad place if it weren’t for these things. ESPECIALLY this year. i love these things so much and they make life bearable when things are so fucking dark.
          and i’m overall thankful for my privilege. i thankfully have never truly had to worry about being hungry or unsafe. i may not be rich or from a well off family but i have never had to worry about not having money for necessities. i’m thankful i’ve never truly experienced prejudice due to my race or sexuality.
          and i’m thankful for my dogs because they are the best creatures ever :)


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
y'know sometimes people just need a break. a break to think, to relax, to fucking sleep.
          and sometimes they just need a break to take a breath and do something they want to do, if it's binging a show, playing a video game, reading an entire book series. LET PEOPLE TAKE A BREAK THEY PROBABLY NEED IT