• انضمJanuary 27, 2015


قصص بقلم ;
Switched.  g.d بقلم purgingdolans
Switched. g.d
Emely's pov... - "I'm sorry I did this to you" - "I thought you loved me" - "I...
+14 أكثر
I love him. // manu rios بقلم purgingdolans
I love him. // manu rios
"I cant just leave you like this" "Then don't"
The Unbearable // c.d. بقلم purgingdolans
The Unbearable // c.d.
" I cant do this" "Do what?" "Pretend that i don't love you" "show me&quot...
+2 أكثر
1 قائمة قراءة