
Nothing breaks my heart more than people saying; “They are sad” It's okay to be sad for a little. For a certain amount of time. For the emotions to arise when something bad happen. For the storm to calm. It's okay, To be sad when you lost something. To be sad when someone beloved left you. But please remember that, life is so much more than just being sad. Sometimes you wish for this sadness to go away. You wait. You wait. And you keep waiting and a midst of everything life passes and you realise that you haven't lived your life well. The way you wanted it to be. Beautifully and breathtakingly. To find joy in littlest things which life has in store for you. To love and appreciate life. To welcome what it has for you with arms wide open. To let it hug you and give you butterflies in your stomach. Please do it. Love your life. Find joy. Do whatever it takes for you to love your life. Your life is precious. You are beautifully precious and special. Don't let anything sadden you or make you feel any less. 
          	I hope you will remember that. 
          	I pray you will❤


@purified_intentions May Allah make us of people who don’t feel overwhelmed when facing failure; may Allah make us of people who can always stay away from the casting shadow of sadness that can take away all of the good and positive that we have in our lives.


Assalamualeikum sister. You said we can reach out to you whenever we need any help. So I need your help in regards to salah. I have a question. Do women have to pray differently from men?? I am doing my own research. I don't expect a controversial answer from you. Please simply say how do you pray? Like how Prophet used to pray or like the hanafi fiqh says?? 


Nothing breaks my heart more than people saying; “They are sad” It's okay to be sad for a little. For a certain amount of time. For the emotions to arise when something bad happen. For the storm to calm. It's okay, To be sad when you lost something. To be sad when someone beloved left you. But please remember that, life is so much more than just being sad. Sometimes you wish for this sadness to go away. You wait. You wait. And you keep waiting and a midst of everything life passes and you realise that you haven't lived your life well. The way you wanted it to be. Beautifully and breathtakingly. To find joy in littlest things which life has in store for you. To love and appreciate life. To welcome what it has for you with arms wide open. To let it hug you and give you butterflies in your stomach. Please do it. Love your life. Find joy. Do whatever it takes for you to love your life. Your life is precious. You are beautifully precious and special. Don't let anything sadden you or make you feel any less. 
          I hope you will remember that. 
          I pray you will❤


@purified_intentions May Allah make us of people who don’t feel overwhelmed when facing failure; may Allah make us of people who can always stay away from the casting shadow of sadness that can take away all of the good and positive that we have in our lives.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته✨
          I hope you are doing good in these tough times!!
          I have been reading your story "Islamic Reminders" for a while now and believe me it is a very informative story.
          I came here to wish you good luck for future stories too, In Shaa Allah and one request, Please if you get time do read my story too "Studies in Islam".  
          Jazakumullahu Khairan ✨
          BarakAllah Feekum 


Eid Mubarak guysss!


@purified_intentions  Eid Mubarak to u too girl!❤


Kol 3am wa entib kheir ❤️


How could you let go of these blessed days without having done some special good deeds. How could you? 
          We all are in dire need of Allah's mercy, His forgiveness. His love. And His pleasure. Don't you want him to be pleased with you?  I'm sure you do! We still have some days left. So Please. Do your best in these days. Fast. Pray. Give in charity. Be kind. Do lots of ibadah and Seek Allah's pleasure,love and mercy.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركته،
          I hope you're doing well In Shaa Allah. If you guys want to talk to me then you can message me on my Instagram. Or you can read my stuffs there. I post quite often there. 


          Some pains are too intense to talk about. It's like if you open your mouth to talk about it. To share it, Your heart will start to bleed. But the blood will not be seen and will not become visible to the naked eye of a human being. 
          It's okay if you keep it to yourself but remember that Allah is always aware of the feeling of your chest. Aware of your every single tear. If you don't want to share it with people then no problem but please don't stop yourself from sharing it with your Lord. The one who in charge of everything. ‘Tawakkul’, ‘Sabr’ and ‘Tears’
          Don't hold your emotions. If you feel like crying then cry it out. Cry it in front of Allah Azza Wa Jal. Crying isn't an indication of how weak you are! It really is not. In fact,
          Crying in front of Allah Azza Wa Jal gives us relief, peace and contentment. It makes us strong. Both emotionally and spiritually.