Yeah... Hello... I'm taking the horrors below down for now, because it absolutely sucked/s. Comment if you want me to republish it and/or continue writing it. You won't, but that's besides the point, which, right now at least, is trying a couple different stories that have been in the works for a while now. Please reserve judgement on them until they reach their final drafts. Or don't, it's not like this part matters.
@radarthewolfie I mean you can simply republish, it's fine in its current state. However, I get where you're coming from when you're being so critical of your own work. It's something I struggle with too. If you want to publish it because you want to share it with an audience, I think it's then in audience's hands to consider it any good or not (I mean in terms of them deciding whether it's worthwhile for them to read).
@rohancano, okay, I do think I should put it back up, but I just CAN'T republish it in it's current state, so, since I can't think of anything else I want to write anyway, I'm going to try my hand at making the first parts at least somewhat legible, and maybe changing the plot a little. Thanks for the encouragement, you might have saved the story. It might die anyway, but you did wonders for it with just two words.