Hello guys, I hope you all are doing very well, I know I have been inactive from almost a year, are you guys still interested in my stories, I will continue only if you wants me to,
Please comments
"Cut the ending. Revise the script. The man of her dreams is a girl." - Julie Annie Peters
June, as pride month is celebrated across the globe to commemorate, support and voice the LGBTQ+ community. It emphasises on celebrating everyone regardless of their sexuality or gender and appreciates the diversity.
So, as we march towards equality and freedom, what would contribute to Pride? Can you be the voice of the oppressed and unheard? Are you proud of who you are?
If yes, IndianLegion brings you an Extempore Contest to help you voice your thoughts and ideas while winning amazing prizes!
Hiii. How are you doing? I hope you and your family are safe and sound!
I'm a writer on RagLak too but I left Wattpad for few months due to some personal problems and came back after a long time. I'm writing again but I lost my frequent followers and as you can guess I lost the reads on my stories and also some of my friends. So, I need a favour from you. Could you like promote my RagLak story so that it can reach to some people and who know they might like it and my story might get recognized by somemore people and will try to connect with me and I can make some new friends as well. Will you promote any of my RagLak story?
If you are willing to do means it really means a lot to me and I'll be forever thankful for you dear but if you don't want means that's absolutely fine and I can understand the reason too. I hope you can and will help me.☺️
Stay safe and stay blessed ❤️