Here's something I came up with while I was trying to sleep- also part of a story im writing so teehee spoiler:
“I guess this is the end.”
“Yes,” Rue sighs. “It appears it is.”
The yacht slowly rocked back and forth, and combined with the soft thrashing of the wave against the sides, it was almost entrancing- as ironic as it seems, the scene was peaceful, albeit the icy-cold gun barrel held up against my forehead.
“Rue,” I started, not wanting to make any sudden movements. “We can still talk this through.”
“I have to do this.”
“No you do-”
“What? You think I’m suddenly going to have a change of heart? You think some deus en machina moment is going to happen where I unchain you and set you free? News flash, Y/N, this isn’t a love story. I have to follow orders, and get this over with,” she snapped. It was unlike Rue to lash out like that, and it was as if a thorny vine was squeezing my heart out, slowly and painfully.
“Yes,” I whispered softly. “Yes, I always did. That some miracle would happen, where we would both be discharged and free, and perhaps live in the mountains together and start a-” I stopped for a second, envisioning what that would be like. “I always dreamed of starting a family with you, Rue. You always struck me as a cottage-core lesbian type of person.”
She gripped the handle a little bit tighter, and looked away into the distance, chuckling softly to herself. Maybe, just maybe, I could convince her to drop the gun and help me escape, but I knew the chances of that were very, very slim.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, please forgive me.”
I glanced up into her eyes, and noticed- just now- that she was crying. It hurt me, to be honest. That this would be the way we would go down- that I would die in the hands of the person I loved the most. But, as always, we had always known this would happen. It was our destiny, in which we had trained for our entire lives, so why would we quit now?