
So I've been re-writing luminosity as I have said before and I've realised something. It's changed like a lot. It follows a similar story line but it goes more in depth of why she's hated, it talks a little bit more about my main character and her past experiences. It also has a sort of segregation with the powers. So the people with more than one power or a strong power are higher up and richer Where's people with weaker or less powers are lower down and poor. It also goes more into the past with the character and she has a completely different name now also. So if you have any ideas as to what would make the story great let me know and I'll do my best.
          	Hope everyone is safe and well:) I also want to let everyone know that I am here to talk of anyone ever needs me❤️
          	Have a good day/afternoon/night x


So I've been re-writing luminosity as I have said before and I've realised something. It's changed like a lot. It follows a similar story line but it goes more in depth of why she's hated, it talks a little bit more about my main character and her past experiences. It also has a sort of segregation with the powers. So the people with more than one power or a strong power are higher up and richer Where's people with weaker or less powers are lower down and poor. It also goes more into the past with the character and she has a completely different name now also. So if you have any ideas as to what would make the story great let me know and I'll do my best.
          Hope everyone is safe and well:) I also want to let everyone know that I am here to talk of anyone ever needs me❤️
          Have a good day/afternoon/night x


Who are those 18 special people in your life? Message only those 18 like I did. Let’s see how many messages you get back! Start sending and be honest it should be only 18! I wish I could give you a tight hug right now and I owe you one. Today is World Friends Hug day! Send this to the special people in your life (If you think I’m one). Love you! ❤️