I have to get out of my hiatus for this but i have to get something out of my chest. First of all please respect either mine or the current authors decision in making a certain gender to be the main character or the main protagonist, we made the character "Male" because we feel that we won't do justice if we made the main character or reader perspective a "Female" or any other gender. We fully accept feedback and comments that are positive and keep it in our mind to do better in our work, but putting in "Oh it's this genders im out" or "im not gonna read it because it's not this" in the comments really hurt us because we feel unappreciated of our work, it may not be your intentions but we can't help to feel that way. We get that we can't please everybody so we're asking for your tolerance
That's it from me, again we apologize deeply if we can't please everyone. And I would also apologize if my words above offended or hurt someone, it's just something needed to be said
With that said, This account will go on Hiatus until further notice.