Five years is long time. I just finished reading both my stories to get reacclimated with the characters and storyline. I understand now why I left Phalen's Journey unfinished - the story is my life. Outside of the pages, my own life took a nose dive. 2020 was the beginning of the Covid Crap, the following year, my husband got cancer and the chemo turned him into a HUGE jerk. We are still trying to recover from the whirlwind that blew us all over the place.
Rereading these stories, I had forgotten how funny and sarcastic I was once upon a time. I miss that side of me and I am hoping that by resuming my writing that that side of me will return. One day, I will finish Phalen's Journey but for now, I'll start a new book. BOLO and if any of my followers are still following, thank you. Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.