
Hey guys, sorry I've been gone awhile my laptop is broke so I'm stuck with the school laptop when I get the chance to use it for personal use. I will be back writing soon.


Okay!!!!! So i've been thinking, I've been doing fanfiction for a few years now, should I try something new like write a story about how this girl or boy starts hanging out with some people and the girl or boy gets pulled into something that they cant get out of. But in being pulled into this they start to fall for the gang leader. But there are many obstacles they have to go through to be with each other. 
          I'm not sure if I want to make it a girlXgirl or boyXgirl. So give me some feedback on what y'all like and/or want. I will find a way to work most of them into the story. 
          Love ya 
          Tell me what you think