
@AYawnWorthYelling Thanks a lot!! You sayin' that stuff really means a lot!! Your bio cracked me up too! The real thing now-a-days, is who's parents aren't divorced, that's my question. And I'll do my best to keep my shit up. And you need to keep your shit up too! 


Sup my friend, thanks you so much for following :D if you ever need to talk I'm here btw :) I can totally relate to your depression because I pretty much feel the same, so if you wanna let out some steam some day just pm me. Adiosss.


did you know The Bad Boy and The Blind is probably one of favorite books on wattpad and after reading your bio and how funny you are even though you struggle from depression AND your parents divorced (so did mine) AND you write AMAZING stories only makes me love you that much more! You're friggin awesome, keeep that shit up. seriously