
I think about writing every day.
          	And every day I sleep instead. Because I get home from work late. 
          	Capitalism be cursed.


Hey you ! I just wanted to know if you were gonna update your story  Not gonna lie I love it and I need a sequel PLEEEEEEAAAASE 


@bloomoflouis that is so sweet of you! I have a plot line planned for this story I just have been too busy to focus on it honest. But I haven't forgotten it


I accidentally fell in love with that story I started and simultaneously want to rewrite the whole thing but THAT'S OK
          So I'm going to just keep writing it if I ever have free time again. Hopefully soon, because I wrote "LoT'S oF SeX" in the About and I have written exactly one scene. That must be remedied.


          I never really saw myself as a writer. And I wrote a story not too long ago.
          And I didn't really intend to finish it... but I want to post it anyway. So I'm editing it and posting as I go [Poached].
          That being said, I'm working on a thing. And I'm excited about it. So let's see if I can commit. :)