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So lemme explain- Lmao howdy fellas, fellettes, and all that's in between! Tis Renny, back from the grave again :-) Decided to revive this account since AO3 is a bitch and I can't get an account there without waiting and my ADHD ass ain't doin that ANYWAYS, I've uh,,, I've changed alot since I've last posted! Which means anything I've posted in the past is declared cringe and invalid and it's being deleted smglskgkkdkg If you wanna unfollow then I guess go ahead? Idk I don't rlly care, I'm not taking this app seriously like my dumbass did when I was younger, I'm writing for my own joy and uh, yeah! To anyone new, welcome! To anyone old, thanks for sticking around, I hope you enjoy the re-ride! :-)