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/ popped in to tell everyone i'm interacting with that i'm quite busy at the moment and my mental health isn't in it's best state, nevertheless i hope everyone's doing well and i promise i'll get back at everyone once i'm free !! <3

@resistancepilot // you're alright- just take your time! I hope you feel better <3

last i checked the members of the resistance usually don’t hide here .

poe dameron .. lovely meeting you . i am queen rashida of naboo , but you may address me as ceres .

that ' s good to hear , your highness ! i ' m poe , poe dameron . and you are ─ ?

thankfully , you have not . the resistance is always welcomed here anyways . might you have a name ?

poe , right ? you tripped over your droid pretty hard .

that ' s me . i think i ' m all right , just a scrape wound . a scrape wound with a lot of blood . . . it happens more often than you think , the little buddy is sneaky as hell !

" so you're a pilot , hm ? well you are certainly the prettiest pilot I've ever seen . " { Hi !! Hope it's okay for me to drop something ! I love your acc bb !! }

that i am , you don ' t look so bad yourself . * poe smirks as his hand rests on his hip . * / hi !! it's totally okay i appreciate it <3 thank u sm bby ♡

poe dameron was captured on one of his missions for the resistance along with the stormtrooper traitor , FN-2187 . upon hearing the news , zero had requested she personally interrogate dameron . after all , it only seemed fair considering he had attempted to interrogate her months ago . when rey had gone tried to get information out of her , zero broke out of the metal and used the force to slam her against a tree . she had untied her ropes and escaped to her ship . currently , zero was watching kylo ren talk to him from the shadows where she couldn ' t be seen . once ren left she stepped out from her hiding place . " poe dameron , " she said with a smirk . " we meet again . " / i had this idea that she could now interrogate him but it's okay if you don't want to do it

poe ' s eyes watched her every moment , but it was hard with his nose bleed and the headache he was having . he let out a scoff . poe gritted his teeth as her fingers reached his chin , resisting the urge to spit in zero ' s face as payback for the last time he interrogated her . she was complimenting him again , but he would not let her words touch his heart . as those words left her lips , his eyes widened as he silently panicked . " what have you done with finn ? don ' t you dare hurt him . " poe spoke through his clenched jaw , wanting to show her where her place is so bad . he couldn ' t . not with him strapped and cuffed by metal . " maker above if you do anything to him , i ' ll ─ " poe cut himself off before he said something not very nice . " he doesn ' t have anything to do with this , leave him out of it . " poe spoke as he shut his eyes , trying his best to breathe with the constant flow of blood through his nostrils .

zero stalked closer to him , eyes not leaving his face . " lights ? oh no . in the first order , we prefer it / dark / . " soon she stood right in front of the pilot . one hand reached out to grab his chin while the other kept him in place , her fingers splayed at her side . she moved his head to the side , before shaking her head . " such a shame they had to torture such a pretty man . you look better without the blood . " she tilted his head back towards her , eyes locking with his . " i still remember your weak attempt at interrogating me . " a laugh escaped her lips at the thought . " you see , things are different here in the first order . we won ' t hesitate to do whatever is necessary to tear what we need right out of your mind . " she crossed her arms , expression turning serious . " we have captured you and your little friend . FN-2187 , the stormtrooper who helped you escape last time and betrayed us . he left everything we had ever given him . this time he won ' t be able to save you . " [ @resistancepilot ]

poe ' s head that was uncomfortably rested at the head of the interrogation chair perked up at the sound of that voice . that voice , that familiar voice . . . his hands struggled against the cold metal restraints . " ah , zero ! oh how i ' ve missed you , " poe said , sarcasm glazing his tone of voice as his tired eyes bored into hers . " can you guys turn on the lights or something ? aren ' t y ' all filthy rich ? i ' m sure you guys can afford a couple of lightbulbs . " poe ' s head averted from zero ' s eyes to the ceiling , furrowing his eyes in search of the lights . / of course i'd want to do it bby !! i got excited seeing this pop up on my message board <3

you are poe dameron , correct ? i have heard much about you .

yes , this is he . you ' re macarine jinn , aren ' t you ? i ' ve heard alot about you too .

poe dameron ? they say you’re one of the best in the skies . i HAVE to challenge you on that...

that ' s me . aw shucks , i bet you ' re as good in the skies as i am . challenge accepted .

/ popped in to tell everyone i'm interacting with that i'm quite busy at the moment and my mental health isn't in it's best state, nevertheless i hope everyone's doing well and i promise i'll get back at everyone once i'm free !! <3

@resistancepilot // you're alright- just take your time! I hope you feel better <3

"Out of my way, or I'll smash your droid to bits."

irene wasn't exactly viewed as the best person to the civillians or literally anyone in general . she was viewed as someone who took risks and caused quite a few civillians to get injured . but this time , she didn't feel like the enemy in this senario . there she stood , holding up her blaster and clenching her jaw at the figure in front of her , " you wanna move there , buddy ? you're in the way of my target . "

poe ' s hand reached his holster on his thigh where his blaster was placed , incase she tried anything . he thought about what she said . target ? he quickly assumed she must ' ve been some bounty hunter or something . " i can ' t let you kill him . not on my watch . " poe spoke about the man that befriended him earlier at the bar , his eyes never leaving hers .