'For there are devils in the deep, but worst are the ones we make' - Patrick Ness, And the Ocean Was Our Sky.
'I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe' - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
Hey! We are two coffee and tea addicted bibliophiles who enjoy drowning ourselves in over-sized sweaters, listening to BTS songs on repeat, reading until we can't see straight, and writing 24/7.
~ Jazz is listening to ~
{ sweater weather . the neighborhood }
{ water fountain . alec benjamin }
{ crush culture . conan gray }
~ Jodi is listening to ~
{ atlas ~ keshi }
{ Fire ~ BTS }
{ Props & Mayhem ~ Pierce The Veil }
{ the reaper ~ keshi }
~ Individual accounts ~
{ Jazz . @jazzy_jazzer }
{ Jodi . @ambs_ace }
- Together ♡
- InscritJuly 13, 2019
- website: www.pinterest.com/rhazzer
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