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Hello guys! So i’m in a bind. I need to find this one book that I was so sure I put in a reading list but I can’t find it so please tell me if you know which one I’m talking about. It’s a marvel x hp crossover, where I distinctly remember the love interest being loki (if he wasnt, then he was bestie). Its a female harry book where harry moves to america after the war and works as a janitor for a cleaning company. She took a job at stark tower, some gooey jelly like aliens attacked, she picked up thor’s hammer, blah blah became someone on shield’s and the avenger’s radar. Eventually they find out about magic cuz macusa officers begged them to beg her to help them. All in all she even once fought with Thanos’ aliens in a fucking park, and I remember the best move she had pulled then was slicing her hair with the sword and transfiguring each hair strand into a snake, she was saving and helping loki during this fight. Any ideas, people?