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I’ve been seeing people post videos that are truly horrifying. The fact that it’s has come to such drastic measures. People are being killed for for the color of they’re skin. I have watched the videos witch will most likely haunt me every single night. These officers should be charged with murder and these men who were wrongly killed need justice. I may only be 13 but I know what’s right. And I know that what’s happening in this world is history in the making. We are living in our future history books. Books that will talk about racial discrimination and about how no mater your sexuality or race people talk shit. I just need to put this out here. People who happen to have a different skin color have been dying but why now is the time, why do they just now start pressing charges against murder cops. They all deserve justice not just Gorge Floyd they ALL! All lives matter. Black lives matter. #blacklivesmatter