• InscritFebruary 7, 2015

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rmiller7 rmiller7 Jun 21, 2015 08:03PM
Thanks for everyone that reads my story's. Around the fire is going around pretty good. True facts is not going around pretty well so if you would vote for me thanks. But also get my also new book is...
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Histoires par rmiller7
Around the fire par rmiller7
Around the fire
Around the fire is this story that these teenagers and all of them are girls and they decided to go camping...
True facts par rmiller7
True facts
Then moment when your going to text someone and they text something totally different
ranking #154 dans la catégorie ramsey Voir tous les classements
Nights at reddes par rmiller7
Nights at reddes
Nights at reddes is similar to 5 night at Freddy's. The two people the are living this life if Michael and Pi...
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