"Too glam to give a damn, darling!"
Good evening, gorgeous! My name is Marilyn. Monroe.
Just call me Marilyn, please.
I'm lowkey really into:
-Warrior Cats
-Harry Potter
-Doctor Who
On a side note, Mad Moxxi and Mettaton give me life.
[Feel free to RP with me anytime, no need to ask! I do gore, smut, fluff, pretty much anything. It can be OCs or from any of my fandoms.]
- The spotlight!
- انضمOctober 29, 2016
قم بالتسجيل كي تنضم إلى أكبر مجتمع لرواية القصص
قصة بقلم Bratty and Catty take Manhatty
- 1 قصة منشورة
Stalker in Stilettos [Mettaton x R...
After becoming discouraged in your musical career, you venture out to some of Mettaton's shows for inspiratio...
#663 في alphys
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