
Hi folks
          	National Geographic and Wattpad are currently hosting a competition called PlanetOrPlastic. 
          	I’ve penned a couple of entries, “Environmental Warrior” and “The Storybook”, so if you’d like something short to read over a cuppa, maybe check these out! 


Hey there,
          How are you doing? Y'alright? Thanks for the follow I appreciate it! I've been pretty busy working on a new one of late - it's getting there but there's still a fair way to go... 
          I should take a break and read of some of your stuff! :-) 
          Thanks for your support as always.


Hi, I’m very well thanks - good to hear from you! And likewise - thank you for the follow. :) It’s great to know you have another fic underway, The Unpayable Debt was such an enjoyable read.
            Hope you find something you like amongst mine! If you don’t have time to dive into a long fic I’ve a number of shorter ones, both here and on A03 (a few there didn’t make it into this forum). 
            Look forward to reading more of yours. Happy writing! 


Hi folks
          National Geographic and Wattpad are currently hosting a competition called PlanetOrPlastic. 
          I’ve penned a couple of entries, “Environmental Warrior” and “The Storybook”, so if you’d like something short to read over a cuppa, maybe check these out! 


Hi. Thanks for the follow! I'm a huge Robin Hood fan, as you've no doubt noticed. 
          There aren't that many Guy/Meg stories around, so it'll be great to have yours added to the pot. 
          Welcome to Wattpad and the world of fanfic! Have fun!


Hi, thanks for the follow. Much appreciated, though it's kind of "watch-this-space" at the moment. Should get more interesting soon! 


Cheers! Always pleasing to know I have another reader enjoying my stories.


Thanks Jadey.  Have enjoyed "Everything is a Choice" and "Endgame" too much to not comment, which I will start doing in the near future!