It was an embarassing day for me today.
I screamed and yelled , because I couldn't hold my pain. My doctor told me that my wound is fine, so I can change my dressing my own. But damn it I underestimated myself, cause I was so scared and my mother legit had to take me to the hospital. And more to my embarassment, I was so scared that I didn't let the nurse to touch my wound and I started to cry and scream.....they had to call my mother why ....just why I'm like this. Like dude,for the last two times I was calm when they redid the dressing but today I screamed so much that the whole casualty ward heard me. Even the nurse was confused, cause I was perfectly fine the last two times. God bless that brother, cause he showed kindness and cause some can show attitude and make you feel further down .
Maybe because I had a shitty day at my job, that I reacted like that. Like I don't have much pain tolerence like my family and I'm sacredy maybe everything frustrated me...
also I'm ashamed.
I feel so much good after ranting