
          	Okay wow it’s been a hot minute since I’ve sat down and written anything and after really thinking about it, Im going to publish something again. I’m still working out the details, but I’m aiming for something around January 2nd ish, so keep your eyes out, and I’ll drop little hints and keep everyone in the loop for when it comes out 
          	What I can say for now is it is going to be romance related, potentially mafia, maybe something a little dark, unsure yet, I am still figuring things out! 
          	I hope to see everyone soon, happy reading! 


          Okay wow it’s been a hot minute since I’ve sat down and written anything and after really thinking about it, Im going to publish something again. I’m still working out the details, but I’m aiming for something around January 2nd ish, so keep your eyes out, and I’ll drop little hints and keep everyone in the loop for when it comes out 
          What I can say for now is it is going to be romance related, potentially mafia, maybe something a little dark, unsure yet, I am still figuring things out! 
          I hope to see everyone soon, happy reading! 


i’m sorry about not updating again today, there literally no way to sugar coat how badly everything is going for me right now,
          there is a chapter in the works, and writing really does distract me from everything in my life and it makes me feel good sometimes, but i just couldn’t bring myself to write anything more.
          ill be back tomorrow w an update, thanks for being so patient <3


hi loves, 
          i’m so sorry for the lack of not updating, i’m really working on it! 
          it’s been way to hectic with college, and my instagram page lmao i’m burning myself out, once again so sorry, i promise you i’ve got stuff in the works, i’ll be back tomorrow <3


this message may be offensive
          okay so i’m in the middle of writing rn but i just got the cutest chapter idea in the world and i’m crying lmao 
          anyways i’ll be updating twice tonight or maybe more depends ;)