Hallo, I'm Alexis, I'm a fan of The Cats Eye Chronicles, and I'm stoked ready for the next book to come out. Isn't the next book Krait's Redemption? or something like that...Anyways, please keep writing! I know you might get this alot, but Crash is my favourite character. Then Sora, and I cried when Dorian died. It was before soccer practice that I read the scene on my nook, so my friend, Lillian, who was on the same team as me, had to calm me down. I'm still sad. Due to me being a maladaptive daydreamer, I came up with my own character. But hey, don't we all? Sorry for my constant babbling. I keep saying random things.... Mischievous me >:3... Tot Drachen Seele's everywhere. ( Dead Dragon Soul's everywhere) Bye.