I just began reading Ever After and realized from the author's note that you made her cover, and then I came here and saw your cover for Bittersweet and it's so amazing. It truly is beautiful. Both of them, really.
Therefore, I want to ask a tiny favour from you. Would you mind making me a cover? I'm a cover maker myself but for some reason I just can't manage to make a cover for my new story and the feeling is pretty suckish, which is why I'm looking for help..
The name of my story is 'The Cupcake and The Snake' and the author's name will be HarpyDumbledore. If you do decide to help me out with this, I'd dedicate this first chapter to you and mention you and your amazing story in the first author's note. But really, I think you're an awesome writer and even if you're too busy to help me out I wouldn't mind.
Thank you :D