Nothing virtuous comes to you the easy way, and Paradise is beyond our imagination, without the mercy of Allāh, we will never be in Paradise. Then where we stand?
The only thing that's holding us back from seeking knowledge and rectifying ourselves in general is we and our sins. We're not courageous enough to fight off with our desires and temptations, we're not brave enough to fight off with whispers of the Shaytān. Most importantly, We're not trying hard enough. Do not say 'I cannot do it', no rather you CAN do it, it is just your laid back attitude which prevents you from taking any action, it is your carelessness which is preventing you, it is YOU giving into whispers of the Shaytān and not fighting against him.
It's Shaytān who whispers to you these things and he's a liar.
Imagine you're in a dire need of money right now, imagine the intense desire to work hard just so you could get few dollars to buy food and water. What would you do? Say 'I cannot do it' ? No, the necessity will force you into this whether you like it or not. The hunger and thirst will push you forward to go out there and work hard.
Then where is our greed when it comes to performing good deeds and rectifying ourselves? Where is our desire to seek paradise, the only thing which we truly need and the only place we want to be. The only thing we're living in this Dunya for.
When you don't work hard to get something, then you really don't want it.
May Allah rectify our affairs, grant us success in performing good deeds for His sake alone, Subhânahu Wata'ala. May Allah instill desire to seek His pleasure within our hearts.
Umm Naseehah ✍️
Friday, 6 Sept, 2024.