
Guys! sorry for not updating at all but I have a completed one shot waiting for you in my story list as a gift for holding onto me for soooooo long. hope you like it. and leave comments to let me know of your frustration with me, happiness because I at least posted something. you can even virtually shoot me,  I'm fine with it, because I've so horrible by not posting for so long. but thank you at the same time to those who are still following me. I'm really grateful. :*


@rya_nn_rei thank you, sweetheart. Even though half the year has already passed. I'm sorry for not keeping in touch with anybody. 


@Rya_nn_raj you're always worth the wait :') i won't ask for anything but i'll patiently wait for your chaptered stories to be updated. Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :))))


Guys! sorry for not updating at all but I have a completed one shot waiting for you in my story list as a gift for holding onto me for soooooo long. hope you like it. and leave comments to let me know of your frustration with me, happiness because I at least posted something. you can even virtually shoot me,  I'm fine with it, because I've so horrible by not posting for so long. but thank you at the same time to those who are still following me. I'm really grateful. :*


@rya_nn_rei thank you, sweetheart. Even though half the year has already passed. I'm sorry for not keeping in touch with anybody. 


@Rya_nn_raj you're always worth the wait :') i won't ask for anything but i'll patiently wait for your chaptered stories to be updated. Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :))))