
I've tried so hard to just be okay. I'm tired of faking and pretending that I'm okay. I know a lot of you don't really care and aren't going to even look at this, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm taking a break. I don't know how long for. I'm not going to write some long ass explaination, because honestly, I don't think you care. Just know that I'm getting help, and I'm trying to do what's best. I really hope that you can be happy, and I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt. Please understand this. I'll still check in every now and then, but I won't be responding, and I won't be updating anything.


@s1872658 that’s okay. Please take care of yourself. We love you just the way you are, don’t ever think otherwise. I wish you all the best and make sure to take care of yourself because you are awesome and you deserve the world. 
          	  <3 Em


I've tried so hard to just be okay. I'm tired of faking and pretending that I'm okay. I know a lot of you don't really care and aren't going to even look at this, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm taking a break. I don't know how long for. I'm not going to write some long ass explaination, because honestly, I don't think you care. Just know that I'm getting help, and I'm trying to do what's best. I really hope that you can be happy, and I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt. Please understand this. I'll still check in every now and then, but I won't be responding, and I won't be updating anything.


@s1872658 that’s okay. Please take care of yourself. We love you just the way you are, don’t ever think otherwise. I wish you all the best and make sure to take care of yourself because you are awesome and you deserve the world. 
            <3 Em


hi! i saw you on my friends message board(SkeleTony123) asking if they were okay so im guessing you guys are friends, im an irl friend of them and ik that was a few months ago but i thought i should let you know that they are in fact okay!


this message may be offensive
So I haven't really been on here recently, so I'm not really aware of all the drama, but I know there is some. I'm not taking sides, because I don't know the full story and I don't really care to. All I'm gonna say is, if you have a problem with someone, block them. Don't create a book talking about them If you think someone is breaking Wattpad policy, report them. It's as simple as that. The reason this app is becoming so toxic is because everyone is making books about who to block, who made them mad, who said something they didn't like. The reason I came onto this app was to find books and to find people like me. I'm honestly really disappointed in what's going on. It's honestly sad that this is what Wattpad has come to. Let me know when the drama is done and you guys are gonna post books again, cause I'm thoroughly disappointed in all this drama right now.
          I'm sorry to those of you that aren't part of the drama and are just as pissed off about it as I am.
          And to those of you creating these books and claiming to be sharing the truth, or outing people, stop. It's bullshit, and it's annoying. If this doesn't stop, I'm not sure I'm going to stay on here. You're all causing drama, even though you claim to not like it.
          Like I said, I'm not taking sides on this. For those of you that took out the time to read this and actually think about what I said, thank you. To those of you who don't care, let me know. I'm happy to unfollow people who cause drama or support the drama.
          Again, I'm sorry for ranting like this, and thank you for actually taking the time out to read this.


@s1872658 i 100% agree, it's getting a little outta hand


Follow up to my last announcement. submit feedback ticket
          It's up to us to save pm's. Share with others, submit feedback, and spread the word
          @EX0R3AL1TY @Imstalkingfour @sincerely_booksss @ShadowWolfQueen @ruhumtutsakk @Aagathawells @Sunnyspirit2 @farawaygonefromhere @Fredson_09 @artie-exists @sabriichill @Epic_gotowana_frytka @Sh3_Wr1tes_Stor1es @_-St-Pet3r_ @multifandomenjoyer @Scarprofile @V3neersgirlfriend @-vaniety- @UrLocalLestrange @MoonReefWrites @_-Velv3tteOffic14l- @SofiaCecch_2010 @Qu33n_Lilith_Magne @WoF_fangirl1345 @zizzythehedgehog @AnyonesCumslut @MANGOSMOOOTH1E @AN1M3_W33B_Q33N @SincerelyAngelBerry @PixiDoodles @InfernoMaster_Reads @JinxQueenOfTheCreek @thenamesbrae @crazy_rainy @The_Raven_Page @HazbinCommunityHub @L0calNifftyStan @Zimforpresident @DruggedUpSlut @AlphaPhoenix417 @Hhhsifvej @_frecklesX @MayGarner @aydakikelebek @-_YAZAN-_ @Deniziniz_03 @VediaUluhan @gormezdengelisler @zimolera @SkeleTony123 @Crazy_Fandom_Lover @TheSillysaurus @angel_dust_kin @Anna57996 @-k-kandykane- @Donatella1212 @lxvinghim @konforlu_yarrak @Doggo_Gal @krisMulleur123 @gizlinntlar @Seb6ris @Fthh28 @frownygirl @el_max_jenna @snowberryoakthistle @DaneJLion @KIKICATTHEKIKICAT @Ashlyn_The_Fox @Jaguar_potterhead @Lodosunetkis @DakotaK22 @Sideways_Cat @stxrry-nights @GreenBriar00 @colderthenshotossoba @Dragonlover54321 @thehooligan51 @JustASuicidalGay @raveinsanitynez @WolfWithPaws @FantasyNo1Fan @Chaos-In_aBlaNk3t @Luna-In_aBlaNk3t @TamakiMEE @beka_z_zycia_mojego @Cr1cK3t-In_aBlaNk3t @TheOfficialMelog @tulip650156 @nudeler @fuhrerazra @Firsttimeflower @Ashleyhughes5151 @thebitterlemon @z_waz_here @xerxesnite @Unforgotten_Angel @AseksualnyPodgrzybek @-pesce @dogukanuofficial @thetalkingdead @frx2bi3 @jemsoul_ @gecelerimbeter @azko1905 @ScarrlettRose5151 @AsexualMashroom @starliiing711 @Ivanbuskirk13 @Horses4life890 @-_Ashley_- @madalyn1800 @bunnies2020 @HorrorAllTheWay @minsaffogato @FrostTheSilkIceWing


@multifamdomenjoyer I copy and pasted from the last announcement, but it took me at least 45 non-consecutive minutes.


@s1872658 howlongdidittakeforyoutotypeallthat


@Wattpad has made the genius idea to remove pm's so if you want to keep pm's, sign this petition
          It's up to us to save pm's. Share with others, sign, and spread the word
          @EX0R3AL1TY @Imstalkingfour @sincerely_booksss @ShadowWolfQueen @ruhumtutsakk @Aagathawells @Sunnyspirit2 @farawaygonefromhere @Fredson_09 @artie-exists @sabriichill @Epic_gotowana_frytka @Sh3_Wr1tes_Stor1es @_-St-Pet3r_ @multifandomenjoyer @Scarprofile @V3neersgirlfriend @-vaniety- @UrLocalLestrange @MoonReefWrites @_-Velv3tteOffic14l- @SofiaCecch_2010 @Qu33n_Lilith_Magne @WoF_fangirl1345 @zizzythehedgehog @AnyonesCumslut @MANGOSMOOOTH1E @AN1M3_W33B_Q33N @SincerelyAngelBerry @PixiDoodles @InfernoMaster_Reads @JinxQueenOfTheCreek @thenamesbrae @crazy_rainy @The_Raven_Page @HazbinCommunityHub @L0calNifftyStan @Zimforpresident @DruggedUpSlut @AlphaPhoenix417 @Hhhsifvej @_frecklesX @MayGarner @aydakikelebek @-_YAZAN-_ @Deniziniz_03 @VediaUluhan @gormezdengelisler @zimolera @SkeleTony123 @Crazy_Fandom_Lover @TheSillysaurus @angel_dust_kin @Anna57996 @-k-kandykane- @Donatella1212 @lxvinghim @konforlu_yarrak @Doggo_Gal @krisMulleur123 @gizlinntlar @Seb6ris @Fthh28 @frownygirl @el_max_jenna @snowberryoakthistle @DaneJLion @KIKICATTHEKIKICAT @Ashlyn_The_Fox @Jaguar_potterhead @Lodosunetkis @DakotaK22 @Sideways_Cat @stxrry-nights @GreenBriar00 @colderthenshotossoba @Dragonlover54321 @thehooligan51 @JustASuicidalGay @raveinsanitynez @WolfWithPaws @FantasyNo1Fan @Chaos-In_aBlaNk3t @Luna-In_aBlaNk3t @TamakiMEE @beka_z_zycia_mojego @Cr1cK3t-In_aBlaNk3t @TheOfficialMelog @tulip650156 @nudeler @fuhrerazra @Firsttimeflower @Ashleyhughes5151 @thebitterlemon @z_waz_here @xerxesnite @Unforgotten_Angel @AseksualnyPodgrzybek @-pesce @dogukanuofficial @thetalkingdead @frx2bi3 @jemsoul_ @gecelerimbeter @azko1905 @ScarrlettRose5151 @AsexualMashroom @starliiing711 @Ivanbuskirk13 @Horses4life890 @-_Ashley_- @madalyn1800 @bunnies2020 @HorrorAllTheWay @minsaffogato @FrostTheSilkIceWing


this message may be offensive
If anyone actually cares, I'm doing fine. In a bit of a mood, but otherwise, I'm fine. Although I've not had the best week, so a bit of support would be great, but I get it, you guys are too busy with your own lives to come check in on me once in a while.
          Honestly, I'm thinking about taking a break for a while, I just haven't felt the support or motivation to do anything. I'm really tired of all the bullshit I have to deal with in my day-to-day life, so getting it here too was not what I expected. But I get it, you guys are busy. Just please don't unfollow me without letting me know, I'm not in the mood to leave for a while and come back to having lost 50 followers.
          Stay happy guys, life's great. 


@s1872658 <3 yeah breaks are always good, hope u have a better week and sendin my love❤️


@s1872658 You got this!!! I believe in you! But take a break if you need ofc :)