
Tried posting a big message yesterday but for some reason it didn't work. Currently, I am almost finished with editing my stories and will be uploading the new chapters! "my boarding school" and "yeah i live in a town" are now going to be one story instead of two. I realized after looking at my notebooks and rough drafts that they eventually come together so I figured I would just start posting them all in one book right away. "Highschool Hottie" is currently on hold also. I might start changing that story up as well! Not sure I liked the direction I took that story. Also, I have started a new story but until I have more chapter written/typed out, I dont want to jynx it and lose faith in it too quick. "Explanation" will be getting continued! I have a few chapters already written out for that story just waiting to type them. Thanks for sticking with me! I think the wait is over now :)


Tried posting a big message yesterday but for some reason it didn't work. Currently, I am almost finished with editing my stories and will be uploading the new chapters! "my boarding school" and "yeah i live in a town" are now going to be one story instead of two. I realized after looking at my notebooks and rough drafts that they eventually come together so I figured I would just start posting them all in one book right away. "Highschool Hottie" is currently on hold also. I might start changing that story up as well! Not sure I liked the direction I took that story. Also, I have started a new story but until I have more chapter written/typed out, I dont want to jynx it and lose faith in it too quick. "Explanation" will be getting continued! I have a few chapters already written out for that story just waiting to type them. Thanks for sticking with me! I think the wait is over now :)


Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I apologize for not updating any of my stories in a long time. After my very last update, I became a little lazy with my stories, thinking to myself that I'd update tomorrow and when tomorrow came, I wouldn't have an update for you all. I've been really busy as of recently with work and school and haven't been able to get any type time in either.  HOWEVER!!!! I plan on taking all of my stories and working on them slowly, one at a time to improve them and finally- FINALLY!!!!- keep updating them. School is only a few hours a day for me now and then I work in the night for a few hours. Weekends I wont be posting a thing as that is the only time I really get to spend with my family. 
          Starting tomorrow, I will be taking all my stories and re-writing them..... and on that note, I'm deeply sorry to any of my current readers but I also promise that my books will be improving...(I hope XD). 
          My story "My boarding school sucks and my boyfriend didn't tell me" is probably going to get changed up a lot! I don't like the direction that I sent it on. Along with that story, " yeah I live in a town filled with sex deprived teenage boys. great! not." will probably take the same path. I want to completely change up my stories if possible. After reading them and looking at all my poor penmanship along with writers mistakes, I feel very insecure about them all. 
          And on that note everyone, I hope you all stick with me through the long process I'm about to start. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me to this point and I promise- PROMISE- to be a better writer this time a round. 
          Thanks much!!
          Sabrina (sabiebabe)


allighty everyone who is reading this!!! chapter 5 has just been posted!!! you are all going to think it sucks i know it!! its more of a filler chapter than anything else. but dont skip it!! it explains some shizz so do read it! anywho there ya go! i dont have much to say this time. im off to bed. its 3 am and i have to get up early so i can go spend the day with my boyfriend and his family! its gonna be cool. anywho there ya go! -sabiebabe-