
Small update so y’all know I’m not dead :)
          	Since I last posted an update to my profile, life has taken a complete turn. I left my previous job and am now working 50 hours a week (40 at one, 10 at the other) in education. I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t taken a toll on my energy.
          	My personal life is also not doing great. I’ve been operating as a caregiver for family for several months now, which included finding a loved one in a diabetic coma.
          	I want to believe I’ll come back to these stories, but at the end of the day, I find I’m too exhausted to think of anything or to find the energy to write. So, as of today, I’ll be marking Sucker as incomplete. I had a legitimate vision for what I wanted to do with it, but I don’t see myself doing much. I hope to come back to it one day, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.
          	TBH: The most recent canon books haven’t really sparked my mind into action the way they used to, and while I remain dedicated to at least finishing the series, I’m just not finding the joy I once did when I started reading them 10 years ago. This, on top of everything else, is really limiting my creative spark. In the series’s glory days, I had like 10 stories running simultaneously on the Forum because it was that inspiring.
          	So, not dead, but not writing for the foreseeable future.
          	I want you all to know I see you still love Sucker and that brings me so much joy. I see every notification and ranking and I know you want to live in my little world like I do. I love sharing the little things I create and seeing that they bring you joy. That’s such an amazing feeling, and I hope to come back to it eventually.
          	Much love,


Small update so y’all know I’m not dead :)
          Since I last posted an update to my profile, life has taken a complete turn. I left my previous job and am now working 50 hours a week (40 at one, 10 at the other) in education. I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t taken a toll on my energy.
          My personal life is also not doing great. I’ve been operating as a caregiver for family for several months now, which included finding a loved one in a diabetic coma.
          I want to believe I’ll come back to these stories, but at the end of the day, I find I’m too exhausted to think of anything or to find the energy to write. So, as of today, I’ll be marking Sucker as incomplete. I had a legitimate vision for what I wanted to do with it, but I don’t see myself doing much. I hope to come back to it one day, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.
          TBH: The most recent canon books haven’t really sparked my mind into action the way they used to, and while I remain dedicated to at least finishing the series, I’m just not finding the joy I once did when I started reading them 10 years ago. This, on top of everything else, is really limiting my creative spark. In the series’s glory days, I had like 10 stories running simultaneously on the Forum because it was that inspiring.
          So, not dead, but not writing for the foreseeable future.
          I want you all to know I see you still love Sucker and that brings me so much joy. I see every notification and ranking and I know you want to live in my little world like I do. I love sharing the little things I create and seeing that they bring you joy. That’s such an amazing feeling, and I hope to come back to it eventually.
          Much love,


Life update!
          I started a new job this week. I’m still settling into it, so I’m not sure when I’ll produce updates next. I’m currently actually working two jobs, so it’s busy.
          Some of you may have noticed that I took Troublemaker and the stories from the Forum off my profile. I’ve been really unsatisfied with the writing in those books for a while, whether that be because I feel certain characters have become Mary Sues, the plot is too unrealistic or cliché, or the writing simply feels immature and lackluster.
          My hope is to come back to those books at some point and completely edit them. In the meantime, I’ve left Sucker up. Admittedly, I’m going through a period right now where I’m fairly withdrawn from writing and the Academy world, so I’m being honest when I say I don’t know when I’ll come back to it all.
          Nonetheless, I wanted to let y’all know where I’m at with everything. Feel free to reach out if you have questions!


@midpark21 I’ll be working both jobs til November, then I’ll transition to just doing my full time gig at the nonprofit I just joined


I was wondering what happened to those two books.   Work and family come first. Hope you have fun with your new job. Good luck!  Will you have to work both jobs for long??


Hi everyone!
          So, I wanted to give a quick update. I shared it in the Academy discord, but thought I’d share it here, too.
          My life right now is really chaotic. I had surgery at the end of March and am having another next Thursday. I just got diagnosed with ADHD and I’m trying to find the right medication—all it’s done so far is make me lose my impulse control. I’m graduating from college in mid-June. And I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing next, whether it be work or grad school. When I’m not stressing about all of this, I’m working on 3-5 articles for my current job as an academic research assistant.
          And, if I’m being honest, I’m having the worst depressive episode I’ve had in years.
          All of this to say, I won’t be updating until the summer. I am so sorry. I just really can’t sustain it right now. I’ve always tried to be honest with my readers about where I’m at because I’m human and doing what I can, and right now I just… can’t.
          I’m happy to answer people’s questions if anyone has some. I’m just really sorry that I can’t deliver this right now.


Do not stress out your stories.  We your family will wait and support you thru all this. Remember family first   That means you/your health. School responsibilities and graduation next. Does your school have job placement assistance?  Have you spoken with your counselor/advisor???  With the pandemic and how everything is going is there an work at home job available??   What is your degree in?!!  


@samami14 Take care of yourself, and we'll be here waiting when you can get back to writing!


Hi I'm kirsty and I just wanted to say that I'm absolutely loving your book sucker. I was just wondering when your going to be updating next keep up the good work  xx


Aw thank you  I’m hoping to finish my grad school applications before writing the next chapter, so probably a few weeks! I’m hoping to update troublemaker soon too


Hi loves,
          It's looking like the update might take longer. I have a 3' × 2' whiteboard which is completely filled with assignments - and that's just for this week. My quarter ends in about three or four weeks, so I'll definitely have updates then, if not sooner. I'm writing whenever I find the time!! So sorry!! I promise the next chapter will be super fun


@wintersfallingrose thanks hun! I'm super bummed bc I've had the plot of the next chapter in my head for so long and hate going too long without posting, but I have somewhere around 100-200 pages of reading and multiple papers per week rn :( summer quarter is brutal


@samami14 take your time! Focus on whats more important right now!!


Dare I say I think I can update Troublemaker this week?? Someone needs to yell at me to get to work.
          Also, go read chapter 10 if you haven't already! Starring North and a motorcycle!!


Ah yay!! Can't wait!


Great thanks  


          Yay! I loved those. We've been sharing completed stories that haven't made it to Wattpad with the ladies on the FB group. (We're running out of things to read and not everybody was on the forum!) I'll hold off on those since you might be adding them.  I really want to read the end of capture the flag. (Hint hint @issybee too!) :)


@SilasAggeleMou aww thank you! I don't personally have a Facebook, but I can post them here or maybe use my mom's account :)