Small update so y’all know I’m not dead :)
Since I last posted an update to my profile, life has taken a complete turn. I left my previous job and am now working 50 hours a week (40 at one, 10 at the other) in education. I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t taken a toll on my energy.
My personal life is also not doing great. I’ve been operating as a caregiver for family for several months now, which included finding a loved one in a diabetic coma.
I want to believe I’ll come back to these stories, but at the end of the day, I find I’m too exhausted to think of anything or to find the energy to write. So, as of today, I’ll be marking Sucker as incomplete. I had a legitimate vision for what I wanted to do with it, but I don’t see myself doing much. I hope to come back to it one day, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.
TBH: The most recent canon books haven’t really sparked my mind into action the way they used to, and while I remain dedicated to at least finishing the series, I’m just not finding the joy I once did when I started reading them 10 years ago. This, on top of everything else, is really limiting my creative spark. In the series’s glory days, I had like 10 stories running simultaneously on the Forum because it was that inspiring.
So, not dead, but not writing for the foreseeable future.
I want you all to know I see you still love Sucker and that brings me so much joy. I see every notification and ranking and I know you want to live in my little world like I do. I love sharing the little things I create and seeing that they bring you joy. That’s such an amazing feeling, and I hope to come back to it eventually.
Much love,