
I'm changing my username tomorrow! I'm bored of that one and not into supernatural and I really like snow...
          	Guess what it'll be?


Hey I have an idea for a Michifer story or one shot if you'd be interested.


You’re absolutely right, that’d be awesome, I’ll definitely work on that. I might even do more than my usual 1k words, this has so much possibility


It's nothing much but maybe a Beauty and The Beast type thing? Yes I know that movie's about Stockholm syndrome but I think it'd be cute and it'll have multiple windows for angst.


Ok, so recently I had not much to do and I discovered the YouTube channel ColeyDoesThings. It’s fandom-based, she did some ‘entering fandom like’ where she basically depicts what the fandom looks like from an outsider point of view. It’s not the only thing she did but it’s my favourite. 
          She also did l college majors as people, clothing as people, college students you’ll meet but most of her work is based on fandoms, I strongly recommend it to you. 
          Hope you’re doing well!


You know when it's the tenth of May and there's a snowstorm? Welcome to my life. 
          Honestly that's what happened Sunday, there was snow until noon. It's depressing. It was my birthday yesterday. I have nothing else to say.
          My life's boring.


@MerlinLenchanteur832 that’s why I’ll come bother you at 9 am hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!


@samcifer_shipper besides, Its kinda not normal to have now on the tenth of may. It only happen in canada, once every five century. If your bored, come and bother me. but not when i'm sleeping, please. i need my beauty sleep


@samcifer_shipper happy birthday little sister, even tho i told you like a hundred times yesterday


Hello, I love ur profile pic. Can u send it to me plz, I want to use it as my wallpaper


@d3st13l_4_l1f3 file:///Users/chloe/Downloads/autocollants-main-rock-logos.jpg here it is, I can't add pictures so this is the link to the picture in a blank page!