
Hi guys! A new chapter of Musica Anima Mea Est has been posted! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the authors note at the end, it contains an important PSA. Thanks and love you all


@sammiekay135 OMG I loved the chapter!! ofc I will report that stuff is not OK :(


Hi guys *sheepish grin*
          I totally don't deserve this or you guys, but I did just post a new chapter of Musica Anima Mea Est, so hopefully, that redeems me slightly in your eyes. Go check it out? Pretty please? Love you!


@sammiekay135 SOOOO glad your back!!!!!! Now that COVID-19 is sorta over me and Kiki aren't on that much, but we're SOOOOOO glad you're back!!!


SO! I've been gone FOREVER. Basically, my parents blocked Wattpad on my computer until I got my grades up. During that time, our bird decided my keyboard would make a VERY tasty snack, and now my enter and backspace buttons are broken. Just in case any of you are unaware, it's a wee bit tricky trying to write a book without them. So, yeah. Y'all will have to wait until I get a new school Chromebook in August. Believe me, this is killing me as well. I have notebook pages upon notebook pages of ideas. I love you, and I apologize


@sammiekay135 it's not your fault, and anyways " came for the fanfic so, stayed for the fandom"


@sammiekay135 Ack, I'm so sorry!!!  This sucks!!


Hey guys. I really need prayers rn, since one of my closest friends apparently tried to kill herself, is bulimic, and has spent the past week and a half in a mental hospital. I've invited her to church, and I'm really working on getting her to go, but she has this INSANE idea that God doesn't love her and that He can't help her.  She is also insisting that her parents won't let her go, even if she asks. I don't know how accurate this is, but her parents are strict, so this is going to take an absolute miracle to pull off. PLEASE, can I have your prayers for this and for her??? Thanks


@sammiekay135 so so sorry I didn't see this sooner, but know that you and your friend are in our hearts and thoughts. Though I'm not religious, I will pray for all of you. God loves those that puts their faith in him, and is forgiving. He would not turn someone away if they needed Him


@sammiekay135 Awww, I am incredibly sorry!!!  I see that this is several months ago, but I will still be praying!!


K, so I've seen other people do something similar, like with ages, names, genders, etc, but I really want to know...
          In your minds eye, how do you all picture me? Like, height, hair, eyes, build, GIVE ME DETAILS! This always kind of interests me, so I want to know how y'all feel


@sammiekay135 wavy dark-ish brown hair & light brown eyes


@sammiekay135 tallish, straight brown hair, into hiking etc, always with a book(a compliment!!!) and supper kind to everyone. Maybe blue eyes.?


@sammiekay135 basically what everyone's said is exactly how I picture you