
Happy Star Wars Day!!!!!!! May the 4 be with you all! 


Hello, I'm not sure if someone has already asked you this already but I figured why not. I would love if you would allow me to continue Finding the Unknown! I totally understand if you don't, but it's such an amazing story and I think I could take over if you will let me! Either way I hope you have an amazing day! 


Dear, sanfrnxnsokyo09,
           I've been re-reading your chapters of the, "Finding The Unknown," Book, and I realized that if you will not be finishing the series, maybe I could take it from here. No other Fan would volunteer to do it, but unfortunately, you are losing followers, I could write a few chapters in chat, and you could Copy and Paste them into your book. I hope to hear from you soon, as well as your fans. I hope you make the right decision, because The Followers you once had, are now depleting. 
          -From Chelseamilli,


Hi there Chelseamilli. 
            I'd like to say first that I am very flattered that you'd like to continue  my story for me. I think I really stopped updating because I didn't think anyone rlly liked it anymore and the sequel was going to be boring. I was going through a busy stressful time and honestly I was busy and I haven't been on wattpad for the longest time. But I'm now beggining to realize that people actually missed this and I think I'm ready to come back and update. There is only one problem, the website id been using to view the episodes had been shut down, and I would prefer for the sake of accuracy to be able to find a new website to watch them over again and write. If you could point me to a place where I could watch them that would be such an an amazing help. But about your offer to help write it, I appreciate it so much, but I'd like to keep my work my work. But you seem so enthusiastic about this story is love to hear about what you'd like to see in the story and you could help me brain storm but as of right now I'd like to remain the only author. Thank you so much and look for that update soon. 