• InscritFebruary 14, 2016


Dernier message
sbg129 sbg129 Jun 23, 2018 04:34PM
Please comment and give a like (push the star button) so that i can write more as it will keep me motivated to write more for you guys.Thanks for your cooperation till now 
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Histoires par sbg129
suho and Eunji~ start of something new ~ par sbg129
suho and Eunji~ start of something...
My otp... Suji.... Its just my imagination... Haters should leave... And the lovers of Suji must leave a comm...
ranking #277 dans la catégorie eunji Voir tous les classements
Yağız and Hazan~ the strong bond~  par sbg129
Yağız and Hazan~ the strong bond~
This is a fan fiction based on a Turkish series fazilet hanim ve kızları... it is a story of two people who...
ranking #1 dans la catégorie yağız Voir tous les classements
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