
Vinny just posted a picture on Instagram of him in a suit and 


I recommend you go see it! Go like that bitch up!!


Ya’ll will never believe what happened, but I got locked out of this account, so I am currently trying to figure out which emails and password I used for this account. Thank you for your patience. I just opened the app one day and I was logged out. I never log out. So that’s what I’m currently working on, and I’m still writing. ✍️ thank you all and I’m so sorry. 


I have been listening to 'Porcelain' and 'Cause of Death's a lot lately. It doesn't make me sad, those songs make me happy. I love them so much. And 'Burned At Both Ends 2' as well as 'Slaughterhouse'. But 'Reincarnate' will always have my heart. But idk. I just feel like those songs were talking to me personally. I've been in quite a few mentally abusing relationships (so happy they never turned physical. Some people don't get that lucky.) And idk I just feel like when I sing them, I sing them about my last relationships because the man I'm with now makes me feel like a rare gem. He makes me happy and makes me realize I can let all of my worries go and be free from the depression those relationships put me in. I love him so much. 
          And on that note: will be trying to finish up the stories I have out now, because I have another one in progress.
          Thank you for coming to my TED talk! 
          And I wanna thank @NonaHysteria for inspiring me to start writing again! 


I haven't been working much and I'm so sorry guys, but I promise I've been writing slowly, but surely. I'm pushing myself out of my writers block. I'm going to focus on the stories I have out now and finish those before I put out new stories (which I am writing ideas about now in my notes lol). But I promise, even though my stories suck now lol they won't in the end. I promise I'll do my best. Thank you for sticking by me!!