So... Avox might be deleted soon.
But most probably the next time you're looking at my profile there'll be no published works.
First off, Its not you, its me.
You've all actually been great, with all the reading and voting and commenting. Its been absolutely awesome and exciting.
You made me feel special.
That's why I want to apologise to anyone who might have wanted more Avox, to anyone who might have liked the story.
I am sorry, but I just can't anymore. I need a break. Not that I don' like writing, or anything, I do. I love writing.
Its just, there's alot going on with me right now, and I feel like this is the best choice for me right now.
I'll probably come back soon with bigger, better content.
But for now, I just want to say thank you all so much for all your support, and everything. It meant alot. Really