Goodness, how long have I been away from this app? Too long, yeah? I almost forget my password to the app! LOLL
Honestly, I haven’t been writing much; a few sentences here and there, most of the time. But I’m still writing! In a much much MUCHHHHH slower pace.
But like a miracle, I found something I’m exciting to write about and just like that 2,750 words flow out of me overnight. Not Binjin related this time, but I love the drama and the pairing so much, I have to write about them. You should watch Behind Your Touch, if you haven’t. It’s a gem!
So, thank you, Bong Ye-bun and Moon Jang-yeol for giving me such vigor to write again and allow me to say hi to you all.
I really hope to see you again, soon.
Hope you have a good day!