
actually change of plans: the copy of year six will be a google doc, but I'll upload the sequel on wattpad (there's no way they could copyright the sequel). I'll also write more for the sequel, tbh I was planning on ditching it a while back, but losing 90% of euphoria makes me want to make up for it :((


actually change of plans: the copy of year six will be a google doc, but I'll upload the sequel on wattpad (there's no way they could copyright the sequel). I'll also write more for the sequel, tbh I was planning on ditching it a while back, but losing 90% of euphoria makes me want to make up for it :((


ok... I have good news and bad news. Bad news is that I don't have copies of years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7  :'((    Good news is I do have a copy of year six (the proportion of good to bad news is a bit skewed isnt it), and a copy of the sequel I was writing (which I don't think I had published). I'm not entirely sure if the copy I have is an exact copy of year six from the version of euphoria i published on wattpad (i made multiple versions), but its all I have. What I'm going to do now is put that copy on a google doc and post the link to my profile. I'm also going to upload a link for the sequel (which is pretty short so far).


I'm super bummed (which is a huuuge understatement), euphoria was my pride and joy and I spent so much of the last few years working on it. But whats done is done and unless I learn how to hack post-haste, there's no way I can get it back. I guess this serves as a cautionary tale: keep copies of your work for the love of god   :((


ok, I just did some digging and turns out I did get an email from wattpad, apparently Euphoria had been flagged as potentially violating copyright and so it was taken down. I'm not going to republish Euphoria on wattpad, obviously (or next time I might wake up to a lawsuit or something instead of just a missing story). 
          I'm going to dig around in my files and my google docs to see if I can find a copy of Euphoria, and then I'll see what I can do from there :)


although there is the possibility that I don't have a copy, in which case the only option left for all of us would be to cry :(


I just logged into wattpad after forever (I've been taking a really long break) and I noticed that Euphoria has gone missing?? I didn't delete it, I haven't unpublished it, and I didn't get any notification telling me its been taken down (if thats whats happened). I'm panicking a little tbh and I have no idea what to do