About me?

what about me, uhm...
Actually this is my second account created for more matured stories..
I'm a very talkative person and i gonna talk as long as i want to talk but you can't make me talk if i don't want to.
I'm crazy and some people find me confusing-well i find myself unpredictable at times too, so cant blame them haha!
what else?.....hmm..
When i walk into a mall,parks or wherever there's always a one thing on my mind.
and that is "May fafable ba dito?"
I love playing Boy Hunting Game specially with my Gay bestfriend.
Oh! there even comes a time that we'll follow a group of hunkings and if we ever got busted(which usually happens), i would like running away from my friends and pretend i don't know them. ahahha!
Come on, i'm such a good girl and i don't know why i'm a bitch for them....
maybe b'coz i bite?
  • There.Yeah there somewhere.
  • Se ha unidoSeptember 17, 2012

Último mensaje
sexybewitcher sexybewitcher Nov 07, 2012 02:47AM
@Theinnocentheart Okay lang yan.... maykasangga ka tol! XD
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Historia de sexybewitcher
"LANARAH" de sexybewitcher
Genre: Humor, Literally whirlwind Romance and Fantasy!!! Dragons? They're real... And it makes this story...
3 Listas de lectura