
Updated both "Do Me A Favor" and "Two Steps Back"! YAY! Plus, I updated "Caught Up" on my collab channel @nikanna19134 ! Check 'em out!


Has anybody heard the UK versions of "Light Me Up" and "Tattoo"? I'm not really digging the "pop western" thing. I mean, I don't live in the UK, so it's fine, but anybody else have opinions?


@shareandinspire Just heard snip bits on both. And yeah not liking the whole UK sound either. US and original is a whole lot better. Tattoo was okay I guess, but I mean... I wouldn't be able to listen to the whole song. And I watched his BBC thing just now... He's too cool and sweet to be the country music version of Justin Bieber. I know that's been a thing for a long time now, but I mean... yeah I think you get my point haha.


@Nethii120700 It's far too true, what you say. But I don't expect him to voluntarily go astray anytime soon.


@shareandinspire I'll be honest, I don't think it was ever his choice to make. The company keep doing it, because I remember him saying once about the Tattoo UK Version how he was kinda shocked at first but then he was like, "Nah, it's all my original vocals and it's got the guitar and mando still" but he didn't sound all that convinced. And the UK version of Light Me Up... well, I heard a snippet of it once on Australian radio, so I assume he's releasing that over here before he comes to Bluesfest 2015. Honestly, I hated Tattoo, but I liked Light Me Up a little. I downloaded it, anyway. But you know, he says all the time that he doesn't want to change his sound like Taylor did, and I think he's being serious about that. I just think he doesn't get a say in the matter.