
I just published my new story!!! Please check it out


I'm writing a fanfic, so far only has 30 chapters so far (No where near done). It is called Nefarious. Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn are the body guards of an actress named Ella. Everyone has their secrets. Ella seems to take a particular interest in Harry. It is a roller coaster full of emotions and secrets. It is a dark Harry fic.
          If you have the time it would mean a lot if you could possibly check it out if you have the time to see if it is any good. xx


I’ll check it out


Hey ! Je voulais te remercier de ton follow mais surtout te souhaiter une magnifique année !
          J’espère que le bonheur et la joie en serons les principaux sentiment de cette année ! 
          Prends soin de toi !
          Merci d’être une des 260 merveilleuse personnes qui me suivent et si tu as besoin d’aide ou quoi que se soit, je suis là !
          Encore une fois bonne année 
          Jade !


So I know a lot of you have been waiting on an update of Spyder Web and have been messaging me about it, sadly I will no longer be continuing that story, instead I will be rewriting it and making it more mature. I reread over my story and I found a lot of grammatical errors and the story was kinda cliche. I have been working on a way better version of this story that I think you guys will like better. I will be posting it very soon. Thank u all for the love you have given my story .


I will be continuing my story, the next chapter will be posted very soon!!!


@shayreading Nice!
            I'm gonna help u share on my message board!