
Hello. Yes, I'm still alive. This last stretch of the story is proving harder for me to write than anticipated. I've been going through the story, trying to tie up loose ends/answer questions that may pop up, and overall, just trying to give it a good send off. Just a note, there won't be any rated M stuff coming up - that's just not my jam. Hope you're all well and thanks for being patient!


Yesss I will be waiting ✌️ keep going dear wish you all the best ✌️


@poojamarwa Thank you so much I'm so sorry it's so late. I hope I have time/inspiration this holiday season to finish it - the ideas are there but I can't connect them >.<


Hello. Yes, I'm still alive. This last stretch of the story is proving harder for me to write than anticipated. I've been going through the story, trying to tie up loose ends/answer questions that may pop up, and overall, just trying to give it a good send off. Just a note, there won't be any rated M stuff coming up - that's just not my jam. Hope you're all well and thanks for being patient!


New chapter coming soon (once finals are over). I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!


@MonyMony517 Hey there! Thank you for your interest! I can absolutely send the English translation but it may take a while. I'll do my best to send them as fast as possible! Thanks again!


@ shehzaadimira  thank you for this  beautiful work the story is Amazing make more chapter and please can you sent to me the english traduction


New chapter out tomorrow! Shoutout to @iarpitam for inspiring me to continue this story.


@iarpitam Thank you so much for the kind words and support!


@shehzaadimira thanks for the shout out.... and btw this amazing fic deserves all the support 