
@JacceB just got your messages oops seriously girl I do love your writing it flows easy and I don't have to go back to read stuff to try and work out what you are saying your characters well I just want Felix lol no they are all great lol.  I am an avid reader Bec and I would rate your books up there with the best of them.  Cheers Shell. No hurry up and update Unfamiliar Territory ;-)


@shelz76 - Hi sweetie.  I really hate these new profiles.  I can see your message in my notifications but not on either your or my profiles.  Aargh!
          There is a sequel to MM already written.  It is Quinn's story, but it is dark, involves two time-lines and is even more of a hot mess than MM is.  In other words, it's not ready for the light of day yet.  
          But thank you for the vote of confidence anyway ♥
          I am currently writing (I absolutely can't not write anymore) a very, very, very old idea.  I don't know if it will ever make it onto WP, as I abandoned it mid-way through, but I may.  Another bit of fantasy, but based on the King Arthur legends and most definitely a more teen-centered book.  At least at this point.  That may change if I edit all of the chapters already written and decide to continue on with it.
          If I do, you'll be the first to know ;-)


Hi Shell. Thank you for voting for Sinners and Saints.  I hope you continue to enjoy it.


No problems at all I got the recommendation from Bec Johnson about this book it has been sitting in my library for a lil bit lol I love the fact that it is different from the usual fantasy books out there a lil bit of originality. I only ever vote if I think it deserves a vote and you my dear are deserving :)
            Keep it up and I am looking forward to the rest of it. Cheers Shell