
Just a question for anyone who read this. I hope someone can help me out, I'm really looking for the Oxygen series, I'm looking for Chessire series in English, I'm really really sad and almost have a depression because I can't read Nitrogen, Anakin and Moon the series. Can please please someone help me out???? 


Just a question for anyone who read this. I hope someone can help me out, I'm really looking for the Oxygen series, I'm looking for Chessire series in English, I'm really really sad and almost have a depression because I can't read Nitrogen, Anakin and Moon the series. Can please please someone help me out???? 


surely. I mean like look at their mamacita and this is love dance. its soooo addicting! I even find myself dancing to it even if im not good at dancing xD HAHAHA
          yup! hehehe
          xD I feel you. hahahaha. but who cares chubby is the new sexy! xD haha like look at shindong. he' s fat but we still love him hahahaha


@027myrza  Ah I know right but their dances are just seriously too sexy sometimes specially with EunHae in it ♡ well I suck at remembering dances so I'll just sing a long well that sucks too but still HAHAHA 
            Awhh hahah thanks! But yeah we kinda love Shingdong how awesome he is! first I didn't really saw him you know, but since I hurt how much he do for Super Junior how important he is,  I started to feel thankfull xD


when they announced the winner on MAMA awards I wanted to throw my laptop. uurgg. haha yeah. Im sure suju will win some oyher award hehehe
          Merry chritsmas sherry!~ id ont know if I already greeted you but merry christmas! hope you enjoy your  christmas^^
          xD meanwhile on my free time on  christmas break I do nothing but eat. gosh im gonna get fat>.<


@027myrza Hahaha I know the feeling, I had the same idea! But yess they will win some other award soon xD
            Thank you so so much! You a verry merry Christmas too! I hope you enjoy yours tooooo <3
            Hahahaha oh my really? I was losing weight but now because of Chrismast I swill gain weight again oh nooo


I'm doing great. just ding a bunch of projects though. exam is coming up this january and it sucks since we have to spend our time reviewing on christmas break. :// Chinguuu SJ dint win on MAMA. its upseting but  guess we just have to accept it. let's do our best again next year! Haha anyway get well soon!  
          So what have you been doing lately?  watching movies or reading?


@027myrza Glad your doing great! Ah really? that sucks working in your Christmas break, poor you ^^ I know right I voted crazy on SuJu I was mad but oh well, there are still other awards coming for our boys right hehe Awhh thank you I will, it's going better with my liver. 
            Well not really, I've been working, and when I came home I was to tired to watch or read so, I'll try to watch and read on the days I'm free hahah


How are you chinguuu?!~ Something wrong with your liver? I hope you get well soon chingu. I'll pray for you. Just eb sure to have some rest. Dont think or worry too much of you dint reply to me because what's important is you get well. Aww, im sure Super Junior will come to london! So you have to get well by the time they will be in london so you can see Ryeowook!~


@027myrza Hmm I'm doing fine! I'm busy with dieting hahaha and how are you chinguu?? And yess there is something wrong with it, but were trying to do something against it. Yess I have to rest a lot because I'm really tired because of it. Ah I hope they do and if they do I hope I can do hahaha so annoying living so far away!!Ah yess yess Woookie ♡


Thanks for following back :'>


@KpopL0V3R Ah oh my I'm totally obsessed with Eunhae seriously hahaha my fangirl feels it's just to true hahaha and Kyumin and KangTeuk and of course HanChul


@sherryyangel KyuHae xD or EunHae or KyuMin xDDD


Yep! I'm busy drawing for the arts club and busy for writting articles at the newspaper club. >< Thats good then if youre not sick. Its getting cold day by day here in the philippines. Im even having colds myself! 
          I hope your get picked in october! Fightiing!~
          Im so envious of the people who can attend the SuperShow6! I want to attend tooooooooo ><


@027myrza ah so sorry for the late replay, I don't even know if I have or have not answered you, and ah so awesome arts club and newspaper club so awesome. Ah I heard that there is something wrong with my liver so that's not fun and it's getting really cold here too and yess I did get picked but I stopped the eduction because of my liver and yess omo meee too so badly want to see Super Junior too, but maybe I hope I can if he come in London ^^


Sorry for the late reply! >< Im in the Arts and Newspaper club thats why m so busy these days. Its really tiring and stressful since they always let me draw for designs and such. Cool! Waah I envy youuu!~ I want tot ake a looong vacation. Why are you not sure about going to school? Are you sick or something? I hope your not sick or anything ><


@027myrza Oh don't worry! really, I understand hehe and really? Arts and Newspaper club sound awesome ! xD Well I think it sucks,I really wanted to work or go back to school! No! I'm not sick don't worry xD I just wasn't sure what for education I wanted to do and now I have to wait for conformation if I got picked for in October ^^