i know i can be deep as shit sometimes. but let me just tell you.
i think i might fail my expectations for my exams tomorrow because weLL sCrEw iT bUt :
shawn mendes is a piece of art.
- 00.00
~i just realised how much the internet change how people see us. how people react to us. how much it can change us. i hate how easy i can mask my feelings now. how a single text can break me. how little people know about my personality. how backstabbing friends were never found out of. how much people are fake.
~i hate how little the people who should be my family know of me. of what i want. of what i feel. i want to know why i tell my secrets to a stranger. i want to know why i feel so numb when i should be feeling so much.
~at these certain time in my life. i wonder why i'm even here. i want to know my purpose. my goal. why was i made? what should i do? and am i good enough?