



🍷It's okay, don't be afraid🍷
🥀Because we're one of a kind🥀
🦊Don't be afraid Love is the way🦊
🎵Disco overload, I'm into that, I'm good to go 🎵
🔮We the only gang to run the game in high-heels🔮
☄Cause I need you☄


🌟So why don't we rewright the stars🌟

💛Rewright The Stars'ı Taekooka armağan ediyorum💛

(Shiplemem ama kitabını okurum )

💮see u later, maybe never

💮It feels impossible It's not impossible
Is it impossible? Say that it's possible

💮Leave me alone God, I'll call you when I need you again

💮A little bit of black, with a little bit of pink But ain't none little about this

💮And I wonder why I tear myself down
To be built back up again

@niksx_ good friends 🖤
  • burayı hala neden koyduklarını bilmiyorum
  • IscrittoFebruary 16, 2019

Ultimo messaggio
shipci_bora_HK shipci_bora_HK Jul 19, 2021 02:28PM
1 yıldır falan yokum wattpadi braktım ama yaşıyorum 
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Storia di fan_boy_bora
Red İs A Choice / Taekook  di shipci_bora_HK
Red İs A Choice / Taekook
Tae : bende kalan tek parçandı saçlarım
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