Hi! I'm Sierra.

I'm a freelance artist and writer with a blog and webcomics. I also enjoy roleplaying and fanfiction. Reading and writing are two of my lifelong hobbies. I look forward to sharing some stories, here!

The main story I'm working on right now is my webcomic, Morochey. It's a science-fantasy webcomic with a conspiracy drama storyline. The story is all about how changing attitudes toward the traditional use of magic is transforming their world. It's told through the eyes of twins who were trained in the magical Crystal Arts as children, but had to make it in the Normal world as adults. When they chance on an opportunity to start practicing the Crystal Arts again, they get sucked into way more trouble than they asked for. If you're interested in having a look at Morochey, you can find it under "Comics" on my website.

Of course, my other major writing project is my website, which is a non-fiction blog with articles covering a wide range of topics including art, cooking, health, entertainment, and education. I mostly post recipes, crafts, life hacks, music, and cool stuff from around the internet. This, too, can be found on my site! It's under "Blog".

I heard about Wattpad via a few references on Instagram. The first of these was actually after a wild, random Jar Jar fanfic I wrote in the comments of one of the pages I follow. Heh.. yeah... I think I'm kind of obligated to post that here, now that I've told you about it. Anyway, one thing led to another, and now I'm here! It took like two minutes for me to start writing a story after signing up, so I think that's a good sign of things to come.

This site is awesome! It's like some kind of massive story club! A bookworm could get lost for hours, or even days, in here. I have no idea how I've gone this long without knowing about it, but I'm happy to be here now.

Looks like it's time to discover some stories.....
  • United States
  • انضمJuly 7, 2016


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