Hey there! Back here after so long that I feel like I'm back from the dead or something. What's up with ya'll?
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Hey there! Back here after so long that I feel like I'm back from the dead or something. What's up with ya'll?
Hey there! Back here after so long that I feel like I'm back from the dead or something. What's up with ya'll?
Assalamu alaikkum warahmathullahi WA barakathuhu... Hi... Your book is...... Masha Allah.. I can't describe it... It's way too interesting.. I hope you will be a great author in the future insha Allah..
@smart_muslimah208 and please if you have time,will you do me a favor by reading my book "Deen completes you"and voting it..i wish you will love it.. And have a great day ahead!!!
Can all of us appreciate my profile display?
MT?I has hit 180K reads! You guys have been amazing. I've received more love than I can ever imagine. I've received more happiness seeing you guys enjoy it than you can ever imagine. Thank you!
@silent_ninja_dfc awwww I'm heart broken I will reread NAYAL'S Zeen's story then
@Sadiya_sadaf that's a great question and I probably don't know the answer to it lol
You are still here ^_^
Is Wattpad out of good books or I've finished reading all of them?
@silent_ninja_dfc Alhamdulillah even I m good. Do check it out and let me know which genre do u prefer so that I can recommend u if u want! Take care and keep smiling! ❤
@silent_ninja_dfc I seriously feel the same way too. I finished reading all the good books of wattpad lol
How beautiful is it that the same God that created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too? God never make mistakes, and God knows our capabilities more then us then who are we to deny that we cant go through something? We are all here for a reason, so lets find our reason and let us try to make this world a better place! Stay Strong Take care Keep smiling!
No one seems to message me anymore. Am I dead or what?
Jazakallah khair a million times for following me Sister!!I am so privileged to have you as my follower!!!
I need suggestions for some good book please xx
@silent_ninja_dfc Assalamualikum, How r u doing? And If u r still looking for books to read just pm me! I have lots of them!
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