If you don't read PJ or HOO get away from me

If you don't ship Solangelo get away from me

If you ship Bratters get away from me #Bunny

If you don't ship Style get away from me

If you don't ship Creek get away from me

If you don't ship Mithross get away from me

If you don't ship Skylox get away from me

If you don't ship Merome get away from me

If you don't ship Davekat get away from me

If you don't ship Lapidot get away from me

If you know what Homestuck is Thank The Gods

If you know what PJO and HOO is Thank The Gods

If you know what Steven Universe is Thank The Gods

If you know what South Park is Thank The Gods

If you want to do a LONG and DETAILED Roleplay

Message me

If you reached the bottom of this Message, High Five dude

Funfact: Only 2 of the ships listed above are Cannon (Solangelo and Davekat)

If your A Homophobe, get the Fuck away from me and go die in a hole. It's 2017.

The Squad:

Message me to join

Message me for my Discord
  • Land Of Many Fandoms.
  • انضمOctober 18, 2016


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